Wednesday, March 4, 2009

read girls minds

The blonde on the right looks like she is thinking, Wow I really wish you were not taking my picture right now.  Ok I'm smiling, now leave me alone and let me go to my car.  
I do not think that the blonde woman, who turns out to be J.K. Rowling, looked that ditzy.  She is blonde, but I think that she looks like a normal person.  I would not have labeled her as a ditz, but I definitely would not have thought she is extremely intelligent, or extremely wealthy either. 

I had no idea that Latimer self-proclaimed being a mind-reader.  I now see what he talking about, but I'm not sure if he actually is in fact reading minds; I would probably say that he was not.  I think that some people are better then others at reading people's emotions and what they are thinking by their expressions and body language.  Latimer might be very good at this, but probably not reading minds.  Although maybe, I am not very sure. -go to project gutenberg

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